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系 别:黄土高原研究所

学 历:博士

职 称:副教授




  • 个人简介

张晓森 Xiaosen Zhang


研究方向 Research Interests

湖泊生态、气候环境变化、湖库湿地碳汇(Diatoms, Pigment, Palaeolimnology, Holocene Climate Change, Recent Environmental Change, Wetland Ecology):从事中国北方地区湖泊沉积物中硅藻指标(一种保存完好的藻类)和色素指标(一种主要来自藻类的生物标志物)记录的湖库生态与环境变化,一方面揭示全新世(过去一万年)气候与环境变化的时空规律,理解全新世气候变化和东亚夏季风演化的驱动机制,并探究气候环境变化对新石器时代人类文明发展的影响,另一方面揭示人类世(工业革命以来)湖泊生态系统对气候变暖和水体富营养化的响应,为当前湖库生态修复提供目标和参考条件,并探究从生物质量角度弥补理化指标在水污染防治和水生态修复方面的局限。


xiaosen.zhang@sxu.edu.cn; zhangxs08@gmail.com

教育经历 Education



2011.9–2015.5,博士,英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)地理、地质和环境系,自然地理学专业


工作经历 Working


发表论文 Publications

1) Zhang, X.S., Liu, J.B., Rühland, K.M., Jia, X., Reed, J.M., Li, Y.L., Shen, Z.W., Zhao, J.J., Chen, J., Wang, H.P., Wang, X., Smol, J.P., Chen, F.H. Concurrent mid-Holocene East Asian temperature and summer monsoon maxima forced by high- and low-latitude interplay. Global and Planetary Change 220, 104008 (2023). SCI

2) Zhang, X.S., Su, L., Zhang, J.Y., Shen, Z.W., Zhang, S.R., Xu, Q.H., Liu, J.B. Synergistic warming- and catchment-driven mid-Holocene cyanobacterial development: Pigment evidence from shallow eutrophic Lake Mayinghai on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 984420 (2023). SCI

3) Zhang, X.S., Xu, X.Y., Su, L., Shen, Z.W. Ecological responses of the diatom species Asterionella formosa to climate change and resource availability in a shallow eutrophic lake of Chinese Loess Plateau. Fundamental and Applied Limnology doi:10.1127/fal/2022/1450 (2023). SCI

4) Zhang, X.S., Xu, X.Y., Reed, J.M. Sedimentary diatom and pigment-inferred recent anthropogenic accelerated eutrophication of a Mediterranean lake (Lake Dojran, Republic of North Macedonia/Greece). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 38, 1787-1798 (2020). SCI二区

5) Zhang, X.S., Reed, J.M., Lacey, J.H., Francke, A., Leng, M.J., Levkov, Z., Wagner, B. Complexity of diatom response to Lateglacial and Holocene climate and environmental change in ancient, deep and oligotrophic Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania). Biogeosciences 13, 1351-1365 (2016). SCI二区

6) Zhang, X.S., Reed, J.M., Wagner, B., Francke, A., Levkov, Z. Lateglacial and Holocene climate and environmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean region: diatom evidence from Lake Dojran (Republic of Macedonia/Greece). Quaternary Science Reviews 103, 51-66 (2014). SCI一区

7) Wilke, T., Hauffe, T., Jovanovska, E., Cvetkoska, A., Donders, T., Ekschmitt, K., Francke, A., Lacey, J.H., Levkov, Z., Marshall, C.R., Neubauer, T.A., Silvestro, D., Stelbrink, B., Vogel, H., Albrecht, C., Holtvoeth, J., Krastel, S., Leicher, N., Leng, M.J., Lindhorst, K., Masi, A., Ognjanova-Rumenova, N., Panagiotopoulos, K., Reed, J.M., Sadori, L., Tofilovska, S., Bocxlaer, B.V., Wagner-Cremer, F., Wesselingh, F.P., Wolters, V., Zanchetta, G., Zhang, X.S., Wagner, B. Deep drilling reveals massive shifts in evolutionary dynamics after formation of ancient ecosystem. Science Advances 6, eabb2943 (2020). SCI一区(Science子刊)

8) Wagner, B., Vogel, H., Francke, A., Friedrich, T., Donders, T., Lacey, J.H., Leng, M.J., Regattieri, E., Sadori, L., Wilke, T., Zanchetta, G., Albrecht, C., Bertini, A., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Cvetkoska, A., Giaccio, B., Grazhdani, A., Hauffe, T., Holtvoeth, J., Joannin, S., Jovanovska, E., Just, J., Kouli, K., Kousis, I., Koutsodendris, A., Krastel, S., Lagos, M., Leicher, N., Levkov, Z., Lindhorst, K., Masi, A., Melles, M., Mercuri, A.M., Nomade, S., Nowaczyk, N., Panagiotopoulos, K., Peyron, O., Reed, J.M., Sagnotti, L., Sinopoli, G., Stelbrink, B., Sulpizio, R., Timmermann, A., Tofilovska, S., Torri, P., Wagner-Cremer, F., Wonik, T., Zhang, X.S. Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years. Nature 573, 256-260 (2019). SCI一区(Nature正刊)

9) Ren, X.X., Huang, X.Z., Huang, C., Wang, T., Shen, Z.W., Zhang, X.S., Ding, G.Q., Ayyamperumal, R., Zhang, J., Chen, X.M. Effects of human activities on mountain forest in northern China during the middle Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 288, 107580 (2022). SCI一区

10) Huang, X.Z., Ren, X.X., Chen, X.M., Zhang, J., Zhang, X.S., Shen, Z.W., Hu, Y., Chen, F.H. Anthropogenic mountain forest degradation and soil erosion recorded in the sediments of Mayinghai Lake in northern China. Catena 207, 105597 (2021). SCI一区

11) Chen, J., Liu, J.B., Ruhland, K.M., Smol, J.P., Zhang, X.S., Zhang, Z.P., Zhou, A.F., Shen, Z.W., Chen, F.H. Aquatic ecosystem responses to environmental and climatic changes in NE China since the last deglaciation (~17, 500 cal yr BP) tracked by diatom assemblages from Lake Moon. Quaternary Science Reviews 272, 107218 (2021). SCI二区

12) Li, F.Y., Liu, J.B., Chen, G.J., Kong, L.Y., Zhang, X.S. A rapid late Holocene lake ecosystem shift driven by climate change: evidence from the first cladoceran record from an alpine lake in northern China. Science Bulletin 65, 253-256 (2020). SCI一区

13) Cheng, B., Liu, J.B., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, Z.P., Shen, Z.W., Yan, X.W., Li, F.Y., Chen, G.J., Zhang, X.S., Wang, X., Chen, J.H. Impact of abrupt late Holocene monsoon climate change on the status of an alpine lake in North China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125, e2019JD031877 (2020). SCI二区

14) Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B., Liu, X.K., Chen, S.Q., Yu, A.L., Zhang, X.S., Chen, J., Shen, Z.W., Chen, J., Zhang, S.J., Xia, H., Chen, F.H. Seasonal variations in the lake-water oxygen isotope composition of four lakes in the East Asian summer monsoon region: Implications for the interpretation of paleo-isotope records. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 44, 572-588 (2020). SCI二区

15) Lacey, J.H., Leng, M.J., Peckover, E.N., Dean, J.R., Wilke, T., Francke, A., Zhang, X.S., Masi, A., Wagner, B. Investigating the environmental interpretation of oxygen and carbon isotope data from whole and fragmented bivalve shells. Quaternary Science Reviews 194, 55-61 (2018). SCI一区

16) Shen, Z.W., Liu, J.B., Xie, C.L., Zhang, X.S., Chen, F.H. An environmental perturbation at AD 600 and subsequent human impacts recorded by multi-proxy records from the sediments of Lake Mayinghai, North China. Holocene 28, 1870-1880 (2018). SCI三区

17) Lorenschat, J., Zhang, X.S., Anselmetti, F., Reed, J.M., Wessels, M., Schwalb, A. Recent anthropogenic impact in ancient Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): a palaeolimnological approach. Journal of Paleolimnology 52, 139-154 (2014). SCI三区

18) Feng, Z.D., Ma, Y.Z., Zhang, H.C., Narantsetsega, T., Zhang, X.S. Holocene climate variations retrieved from Gun Nuur lake-sediment core in the northern Mongolian Plateau. Holocene 23, 1721-1730 (2013). SCI二区

主持项目 Hosted Projects




参与项目 Participated Projects



国际大陆钻探计划(ICDP)项目,Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO),项目负责人:德国科隆大学Bernd Wagner教授

承担教学 Teaching
