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系 别:黄土高原研究所

学 历:博士

职 称:讲师




  • 个人简介


和鑫磊,男,1993年5月生,山西汾阳人。长期从事陆表过程模拟与数据同化、地球大数据与机理模型融合研究。在Remote Sensing of Environment、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences、Agricultural Water Management、Water Resources Research等国际一流期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,论文总引用超过500次;申请国家发明专利1项,授权计算机软件著作权5项;所构建的多源同化系统被美国国家大气研究中心采纳,担任Journal of Hydrology、Journal of Geophysical Research等学术期刊的审稿人。











2. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项《祁连山“山水林田湖草”系统综合监测与评估》,2018-2023,参加

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《融合天-空-地一体化观测与陆面过程模型估算地表水热通量研究》,2022-2025,参加

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于水热碳耦合模型和变分数据同化理论的区域蒸散发遥感估算研究》,2017-2020,参加



1.He, X. L., Li, Y. P., Liu, S. M*., Xu, T. R., Chen, F., Li, Z. H., Liu, R., Zhang, Z., Xu, Z. W*., Peng, Z. X., Zheng, C. 2023. Improving regional climate simulations based on a hybrid data assimilation and machine learning method.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

2.He, X. L., Liu, S. M*., Xu, T. R., Yu, K. L., Gentine, P., Zhang, Z., et al., 2022. Improving predictions of evapotranspiration by integrating multi-source observations and land surface model. Agricultural Water Management.

3.He, X. L., Xu, T. R*.,Bateni, S. M., Ek, M., Xiao, J. F., Liu, S. M., et al., 2021. Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity, Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes by Assimilating Land Surface Temperature and Leaf Area Index. Water Resources Research.

4.He, X. L., Xu, T. R*.,Bateni, S. M., Ek, M., Liu, S. M., Chen, F. 2020. Mapping Regional Evapotranspiration in Cloudy Skies via Variational Assimilation of All‐Weather Land Surface Temperature Observations. Journal of Hydrology.

5.He, X. L., Xu, T. R*., Xia, Y. L., Bateni, S. M., Guo, Z.X., Liu, S. M., et al., 2020. A Bayesian Three‐Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation. Remote Sensing.

6.He, X. L., Xu, T. R*.,Bateni, S. M., Neale, C., Liu, S. M., Auligne, T. et al., 2019. Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Assimilation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data into an Ensemble Kalman Smoother Framework. Earth and Space Science.

7.He, X. L., Xu, T. R*.,Bateni, S. M., Neale, C., Auligne, T., et al., 2018. Evaluation of Weak-Constraint Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes at Six Sites. Remote Sensing.

8.Xu, T. R., Chen, F., He, X. L*.,Barlage, M., Zhang, Z., Liu, S. M., et al., 2021. Improve the performance of the Noah-MP-Crop model by jointly assimilating soil moisture and vegetation phenology data. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

9.Xu, T. R*., He, X. L., Bateni, S. M., Auligne, T., Liu, S M., et al., 2019. Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Variational Assimilation of Land Surface Temperature Data from Polar Orbiting Satellites. Remote Sensing of Environment. (ESI高被引论文)

10.Xu, T. R., Guo, Z. X., Liu, S. M*., He, X. L., Meng, Y. F. Y., Xu, Z. W. et al., 2018. Evaluating different machine learning methods for upscaling evapotranspiration from flux towers to the regional scale. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres.

11.Zhao, J. X., Xu, T. R*., Xiao, J. F., Liu, S. M., Mao, K. B., Song, L. S., Yao, Y. J., He, X. L., Feng, H. Z., 2020. Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest China. Remote Sensing.

12.Xu, Z. W., Liu, S. M*., Zhu, Z. L., Zhou, J., Xu, T. R., Yang, X. F., Zhang, Y., He, X. L., 2020. Exploring evapotranspiration changes in a typical endorheic basin through the integrated observatory network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

13.Qu, Y. Q., Zhu, Z. L*., Montzka, C., Chai, L. N., Liu, S. M., Ge, Y., Liu, J., Lu, Z., He X. L., Zheng, J., Han, T., 2020. Inter-comparison of Several Soil Moisture Downscaling Methods over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology.

14.Zhao, J. X., Feng, H, Z., Xu, T. R*., Xiao, J. F., Rossella, G., Liu, S. M., Wu, X. C., He X. L., He, X, P., 2020. Physiological and Environmental Control on Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency in Response to Drought across the NorthernHemisphere. Science of the Total Environment.

15.Feng, H. Z., Xu, T, R*., Liu, L. Y., Zhou, S., Zhao, J. X., Liu, S. M., Xu, Z. W., Mao, K. B., He, X. L., Zhu, Z. L., Chai, L. N., 2021. Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations via Carbon-Water Coupling Methods. Remote Sensing.

16.Song, L. S*.,Bateni, S. M., Xu, Y. H., Xu, T. R., He, X. L., KI, S. J., et al. 2021. Reconstruction of remotely sensed daily evapotranspiration data in cloudy-sky conditions. Agricultural Water Management.

17.Li, X., Liu, S. M*., Yang, X. F., Ma, Y. F., He, X. L., Xu, Z. W., Xu, T. R., et al. 2021. Upscaling Evapotranspiration from a Single-Site to Satellite Pixel Scale. Remote Sensing.

18.Zhang, Y., Liu, S. M*., Song, L. S., Li, X., Jia, Z. Z., Xu, T, R., Xu, Z. W., Yang, X. F., He, X. L., Yao, Y, J., Hu, G. C., 2022. Integrated Validation of Coarse Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Products over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces. Remote Sensing.

19.Tian, Y. Z., Xu, T. R*., Chen, F., He, X. L., Li, S., 2022. Can data assimilation improve short-term forecasts of land surface variables? Remote Sensing.

20.Wu, D. X., Liu, S. M*., Wu, X. C., Xu, T. R., Xu, Z. W., He, X. L., Shi, H. Y., 2023. Evaluation of the intrinsic temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration in typical ecosystems of an endorheic river basin. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

21.Zheng, C., Wang, S. Q*., Chen, J. M., Chen, J. H., Chen, B., He, X L., Li, H., Sun, L. G., 2023. Combination of Vegetation Indices and SIF Can Better Track Phenological Metrics and Gross Primary Production. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

22.Wei, J. X., Dong, W. C., Liu, S. M*., Song, L. S., Zhou, J., Xu, Z. W., Wang, Z. W., Xu, T, R., He, X. L., Sun, J. W., 2023. Mapping super high resolution evapotranspiration in oasis-desert areas using UAV multi-sensor data. Agricultural Water Management.

23.Zheng, C., Wang, S. Q*., Chen, J. H., Xiang, N., Sun, L. G., Chen, B., Zheng, F., Zhu, K., He, X L., 2023. Divergent impacts of VPD and SWC on ecosystem carbon-water coupling under different dryness conditions. Science of the Total Environment.

24.赵静学, 郭枝虾, 和鑫磊, 徐同仁, 刘绍民, 徐自为, 等. 2019. 黑河流域气温和降水再分析数据的不确定性评估. 干旱气象.


  1. 一种估算时空连续地表水热通量的数据同化方法, 和鑫磊, 徐同仁, 刘绍民, 郭枝虾, 赵静学.专利号:ZL201910622563.7. 授权日期, 2021年09月. (发明专利)

    区域地表蒸散发数据集成系统, 和鑫磊, 徐同仁, 刘绍民, 郭枝虾, 毛克彪, 何香平. 登记号: 2021SR1137266. 授权日期, 2021年8月. (软件著作权)

    地表蒸散发与植被总初级生产力数据同化系统, 徐同仁, 和鑫磊, 刘绍民, 田英泽, 李诗. 登记号: 2021SR1173850. 授权日期, 2021年8月. (软件著作权)

    植被总初级生产力与地表蒸散发变分数据同化生产系统, 和鑫磊, 徐同仁, 刘绍民, 郭枝虾, 赵静学.登记号: 2018SR536005. 授权日期, 2018年07月. (软件著作权)

    土壤蒸发与植被蒸腾变分数据同化生产系统, 徐同仁, 和鑫磊, 刘绍民, 郭枝虾, 何青, 施煜.登记号: 2017SR612440. 授权日期, 2017年11月. (软件著作权)

    地表蒸散发变分数据同化生产系统, 徐同仁, 和鑫磊, 刘绍民, 郭枝虾, 何青, 施煜.登记号: 2017SR608927. 授权日期, 2017年11月. (软件著作权)


  1. 周廷儒奖学金(2023年度)







